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Conferences in the following list address topics including:

  • learning and education,
  • learning and educational psychology,
  • instructional design, and
  • multimedia and advanced technologies in education.

For more conferences on similar topics visit: Conference Alerts.

Conference full name Acronym Date Location Description
International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education ICTPE June 9-11, 2011 Budapest, Hungary Topics include: teaching, learning, adult education, educational technology, elementary education, ethics in education, health education, higher education. More details.
International Conference on Knowledge and Education Technology ICKET June 10-12, 2011 Chengdu, China Topics include: information technology and applications, knowledge technology and applications, advanced knowledge technologies, e-learning, e-training and executive training, knowledge acquisition, ontology engineering and technology. More details.
International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies EDULEARN July 4-6, 2011 Barcelona, Spain Topics include: pedagogical innovations in education, experiences in education, experiences in research, e-learning, emerging technologies in education, Web classroom applications. More details.
The International Conference on Learning ICL 5-8 July 2011 University of Mauritius, Mauritius The International Conference on Learning is for any person with an interest in, and concern for, education at any of its levels – from early childhood, to schools, to higher education – and lifelong learning in any of its sites, from home to school to university to the workplace. More details.
International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education CATE 11–13 July 2011 Cambridge, United Kingdom Topics include: advanced educational software and hardware, advanced technology in education and training, institutional issues on technology-based education and training, policies on technology-based education, technology-based blended, distance and open education. More details.
International Conference on Education Technology and Computer ICETC July 15-16, 2011 Changchun, China Themes include: computer education for graduates and undergraduates, distance education for computers, life-long education, computer education for particular group, other computer education, active learning, innovative pedagogies, learning models, service learning. More details.
The International Conference on Computer Supported Education and E- Learning Technology ICCS2ET 1-2 August, 2011 Kathmandu, Nepal Papers are called for the following five major areas: information technologies supporting learning, learning/teaching methodologies and assessment, social context and learning environments, domain applications and case studies, quality, evaluation and accreditation policies. More details.
International Conference on Distance Learning and Education ICDLE September 16-18, 2011 Singapore Topics of the conference cover open & e-learning technological issues, distance education and ethics, organization and management, evaluation and standards, open & e-learning domain applications, and open & e-learning curriculum issues. More details.
Interactive Computer Aided Learning ICL September 21–23, 2011 Piešťany, Slovakia Topics include: Web based learning (WBL), educational virtual environments, new learning models and applications. More details.
Ireland International Conference on Education IICE October 3-5, 2011 Dublin, Ireland Topics include: e-learning, adult education, educational psychology, educational technology, ICT education, health education, pedagogy, other areas of education. More details.
World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education October 17-21, 2011 Honolulu, Hawaii Topics include higher education and e-learning. More details.
London International Conference on Education LICE November 7-10, 2011 London, United Kingdom Topics include: distance education, educational psychology, e-learning, pedagogy, other areas of education. More details.
International Conference on Online Learning ICOL November 9-11, 2011 Florida, US Topics include: technology and emerging learning environments, open educational resources, faculty and professional development & support, K-12 online education. More details.
European Conference on e-Learning ECEL November 10-11, 2011 Brighton, United Kingdom Teaching and facilitating with technology, e-learning for work, classroom technology, learner centredness in e-learning, open educational resources. More details.
Ubiquitous Learning Conference ULC November 11-12, 2011 Berkeley, California Themes include: digital writing tools, wikis, blogs, slide presentations, websites, writing assistants etc, supporting multimodality: designing meanings in the new media: podcasts; digital video, digital imaging etc, designed for learning: new devices and new applications, learning through new technologies. More details.
International Conference of Education Research and Innovation ICERI November 14-16, 2011 Madrid, Spain Topics include: global issues in education and research, education: new trends and experiences, research: new trends and experiences, curriculum design, technology in teaching and learning. More details.
International Conference on Computers in Education (C3 - Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Open Contents, and Standards ICCE CALTOCS November 28-December 2, 2011 Chiang Mai, Thailand The scope of the conference will cover but not be limited to: new generations of educational technologies, data mining, text mining, and web mining, Web 2.0 and social computing for learning, personalized educational and learning systems, learning systems platforms and architectures, advanced applications. More details.
International Conference on Computers in Education (C6 - Conference on Technology, Pedagogy and Education ICCE CTPE November 28-December 2, 2011 Chiang Mai, Thailand We welcome research work on the pedagogical value of technology in education in the twenty-first century, the status quo of pedagogical use of technology in education, and the future trend in the pedagogical integration of technology towards quality education in response to the emerging digital world. More details.
International Conference on Computer Supported Education CSEDU 16-18 April, 2012 Porto, Portugal Topics include: information technologies supporting learning, learning/teaching methodologies and assessment, social context and learning environments, domain applications and case studies, quality, evaluation and accreditation policies. More details.
Canada International Conference on Education CICE April 22-26, 2012 Toronto, Canada Topics include: adult education, continuing education, distance education, educational psychology, educational technology, ICT education, pedagogy. More details.
Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education ITiCSE July 5-7, 2012 Haifa, Israel The committee welcomes submissions on the legacy, innovation and future trends of computing sciences education research, learning and teaching, and the integration of technologies. All submissions must be original work. The proceedings will be available through the ACM Digital Library. More details.
International Educational Technology Conference IETC 1-3 August 2012 Istanbul, Turkey IETC 2012 seeks a diverse and comprehensive program covering all areas of educational technology. The program includes a wide range of activities designed to facilitate the exchange of expertise, experience, and resources with your colleagues. More details.
International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL October 26-27, 2012 Cluj-Napoca, Romania Relevant topics include but are not restricted to: dot-com educational institutions and their impact on traditional universities educational portals for education and training, reusable learning objects for e-Learning and e-Training, testing and assessment issues of Web-based education. More details.
conferences.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/19 16:03 (external edit)